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16.07.2008 - Radio rai 2

+ posted 01 jun 2010 12:00.
with Luca Bianchini at Tiffany, 9 min

mp3 Play MP3 audio file

14.03.2008 - Radio Italia

Interview e², 20 min ... + .....

14.03.2008 - Radio deejay

Guest star at Sciambola!, 30 min ... + .....

Australian tour 2008 - Events in 2007, 2008

Celebration for Sibiu as european capital of culture 14 12 2007 - sibiu - rom - stadio mu ... + .....

2008 - Rassegna stampa - Press review

The press review for the year 2008 (the duet Domo mia with the Tazenda, the Australian tou ... + .....

Somos grandes o no (videoclip)

Milano (location) Film Master Clip (producer) Phil Griffin (director) 14.04.2008 (relea ... + .....

Ci parliamo da grandi (videoclip)

Milano (location) Film Master Clip (producer) Phil Griffin (director) 14.04.2008 (relea ... + .....

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